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The combined weight of 497 pounds made it the heaviest title fight ever.Ģ003 - Indiana outscores Boston 5-0 in overtime for a 93-88 victory, cutting the Celtics’ first-round series lead to 3-2. 15 pill twice while picking the draft order for post positions.Ģ000 - Lennox Lewis knocks down Michael Grant three times in the first round and knocks him out at 2:53 of the second at Madison Square Garden in New York to retain his WBC and IBF heavyweight titles. Churchill Downs officials allowed ESPN to control the announcing of the draw. Riley’s 100th victory put him ahead of Red Auerbach.ġ998 - For the first time in the 124-year history of the Kentucky Derby, a redraw is ordered during the post-position draw.

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1986 - Roger Clemens set a major league record by striking out 20 batters as the Boston Red Sox defeated the Seattle Mariners 3-1.ġ988 - The Baltimore Orioles end their 21-game losing streak by winning their first game of the season, 9-0 over the Chicago White Sox.ġ990 - Pat Riley becomes the winningest coach in NBA playoff history as the Los Angeles Lakers beat the Houston Rockets 104-100.

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