Gay men magazine subscription

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For its unique content, ELEMENT has also attracted the attention of both Western and Asian mainstream media such as The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo, BBC World News, The Huffington Post, ABC Network (Australia), NNA (Japan), China Daily, Neue Zuercher Zeitung (Switzerland).ĮLEMENT is currently selling an average of 30,000 copies per issue across all digital platforms. For the latter, our Rainbow issue was her first-ever gay press exclusive cover shoot and interview. Since its launch in March 2013, ELEMENT has received overwhelming support from LGBT friends and supporters all around the world, including A-list celebrities such as Lady GAGA and top Mandopop diva Zhang Hui Mei (A Mei). It brings the Asian gay community together with contents that are closely associated with their lives.

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It is the essential one-stop read covering men’s fashion, entertainment, sex & relationship, fitness, LGBT community current affairs and more. ELEMENT is described by The Wall Street Journal as Asia’s first gay men’s high-fashion and lifestyle journal.

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